Simply Technical - P3

Simply Options Trading (1 Day)

We ensure that Simply Advance Technical and Simply Indicators have helped you to build a very strong base in your training journey to becoming a pro-trader. You are now equipped with all skills required to trade in the stock market however, the right skills have to be paired with the right approach for achieving success.  The third module aptly named, Simply Options Trading, we focus on getting into the execution of what you have learned.

This program is customized to achieve both with various short-term strategies that will help you earn a regular income and also create wealth exponentially. This program helps to trade in all types of the market whether it is Bull, Bear, side-ways or choppy market. We believe that much like soldiers, who need to be fully equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry, prior to entering the battlefield, a trader should also be equipped with all type of strategies to sail smoothly along with any kind of Market condition.

Simply Options Trading – Our Promise is we will make it very simple as you will learn Options without any Greeks and Complex indicators and yet the most powerful way. We will cover all in details about options like – why do people trade in options, Essentials of Options, types of options and which one to trade depending on the time calendar. Importance of Time Decay and how can it be used for generating fixed income.

7 prominent options strategies:

  • Trade corporate events.
  • Potential either side break out Events like elections, RBI Policies, etc.
  • Earning in the sideways market.
  • Options Writing Strategies
  • Trade Options with RSI and Bollinger Band Indicators

Pre-requisite: Basics of Technical Analysis, Live charting software.


Trading is a specialized field which can be learned by anyone yet to get the maximum out of the program, a complete commitment is required towards investing your time and efforts. Your results from the program shall directly depend on your commitment to the program. As with any training, you are responsible for the overall results you achieve during and after the program


We expect 100% attendance from the student or at least have a full understanding of the previous session before coming for next session. There will be homework given in each session which has to be submitted as per the given timelines. Course duration is 6 months, which shall not be extended for any student, except on medical grounds. If for any reason, should a student wish to extend the program beyond the stipulated period, it will be done at additional fees.

For any queries on the content of the Course or anything related to course please contact Kamal Shah +91-9833698020

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